Sunday, February 5, 2023

Soil for Serotonin

The short days leave us craving for more sun. The long work days leave us pining for the weekend. Our reliance on advanced technology and overly stimulated minds leave us feeling drained and dull. It makes sense that so many of us struggle with exhaustion, depression, poor health, or burnout. 

How Can Dirt Help?

Growing up we heard old wive's tales about how eating dirt would build our immunity. I spent decades laughing at that concept, only to return to the belief that soil absolutely has what our bodies and minds need to build resiliency and health.

I stumbled upon this podcast series on Epic Gardening and Mind and Soul, and it emphasizes the healing benefits of soil.

Soil contains mycobacterium vicii which has shown to increase serotonin and decrease cortisol. If this is what is to blame for my gardening addiction, then so be it. 

We don't have to wait until those warmer months to get our hands in dirt. I am looking forward to getting  indoor seeds started.

Check out another great source on the antidepressant qualities of soil -

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